Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hives With Swollen Hands

......... I was on holiday in Abruzzo .... The delusion

... and I wanted to share with friends that I've tasted the dishes, but unfortunately it was not possible, so I will only publish the recipes of some dishes.
This is' the typical sweet of Atri, a town a few miles from the sea, in the province of Teramo. Town that I visited at the suggestion of Leonardo: definitely a good experience. The sweet (I bought the bakery) should correspond to this recipe.
Ingredients: 6 eggs (yolk and whites separated), 250 g of sugar, 200 g of flour, a packet of baking powder, 100 grams of almonds, 100 g of dark chocolate, 100 g of candied fruit, the grated rind of a lemon, a pinch of cinnamon powder, salt

Procedure: Heat oven to 180 ° C. Chop almonds in candied peel and cut into cubes. Grate the chocolate and the lemon zest.
Grease and flour form a loaf.
Assemble the yolks with sugar until they are very foamy and light. Add flour, almonds, chocolate, candied fruit, lemon zest and a pinch of cinnamon.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. When they are firm, gently add the first compound.
Bake for 45 minutes. Allow to cool in the oven before you unmold.

There is a light dessert (any sweet it is), but being a reworking of a medieval recipe, I think it may work with the flour and sugar in full. Sooner or later I'll try, if somebody tries first, let me know. However, the percentage fiber (almonds, candied fruit, lemon) and the presence of cinnamon may help to prevent excessive blood glucose levels. Great for breakfast and a snack ....


The kebabs are a typical dish of Abruzzo are the skewers of 25-30 cm of sheep meat (mutton or sheep), cut into small cubes 1 cm on each side.
are sold ready to cook, cut into small cubes and speared on skewers, but with a little 'patience, can be easily prepared at home. Are easily found (at least in Pomezia) also skewers of turkey, but unlike what may seem, are lighter because they contain a certain degree of fat. But I can be appreciated by those who do not like the particular flavor of mutton.
The traditional cooking is done on a particular dell'arrosticino small brazier. For those who prepare them at home, should a marinade in olive oil, pepper, rosemary and lemon before cooking on a grill or griddle. Typically they prepare a dozen per person.

Separate the good from each other skewers and arrange on a plate in order to anoint them with the marinade (olive oil, lemon and rosemary) for a few minutes.
If you have coals or charcoal, the kebabs and cook disponetevi focus low. Alternatively, heat a grill, griddle or oven.
Just a couple of minutes each side (not convenient to cook them otherwise they become too dry).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Women In Girdles Galleries

Madonna - Live in Milan - July 14, 2009

Dopo mesi di attesa, finalmente ecco la tappa milanese dello Sticky & Sweet Tour di Madonna. San Siro è più o meno una bolgia infernale, tra l'afa e l'assedio del pubblico. Una fortezza presa d'assalto. Ancora un po' di attesa ed eccola comparire su un trono di paillettes. Lei, la regina del Pop. Basta un " Ciao Italia! " e lo stadio viene giù in un boato.
Si parte con le canzoni dell'ultimo album, Hard Candy . Ed è subito un vero spettacolo di coreografie, ballerini, rapper e musicisti. Un grande coloratissimo circo musicale. Lei è in formissima e, tra un passo dance e l'altro, imbraccia anche un paio di volte la chitarra. Non male. Tra momenti piuttosto kitsch - La Isla Bonita in versione gitana stile Gipsy Kings è abbastanza inguardabile ed inascoltabile - e altri di dance allo stato puro, il pubblico si scatena tra vecchi successi ( Get Into the Groove , Holiday , Rain ) e brani più recenti ( Four Minutes , Music ). Bella la versione hardcore di Like a Prayer .
Non mancano le provocazioni. Il bacio saffico è ormai quasi un classico. Ma colpiscono decisamente di più le immagini suggestive di Miles Away , omaggio ai nomadi nel mondo ed inno al viaggio come ricerca continua, e quelle di Get Stupid , Denounced the follies of the modern world. Applause and shouts of approval at the sight of Obama.
There is also time to say hello this time the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, "... one of the greatest artists the world has ever Known ...". The audience all stood up to applaud.
The concert ends with a distorted version of Frozen , the psychedelic Ray of Light and the pounding Give It To Me . Game Over. The concert is really finished. Two hours in which Mrs. Ciccone has literally enchanted the audience brought here a bit 'of that world gold and patina that always made her famous.
We leave the stadium. In the heat of the evening in a limousine with two candy pink bunnies pictured on the trunk in Milan traffic merges. Ah, America ...

? Block Super Mario Template

calories: Why food labels are wrong - health - 15 July 2009 - New Scientist

As usual, they reinvent the wheel, and even manage to sell it!

calories The disappointment: Why food labels are wrong - health - 15 July 2009 - New Scientist

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Does Cinnamon Cause Ha


INRAN is finally online site that answers many questions Nutrition, in a simple and precise.
Great for those who have doubts and are not satisfied with general answers: ha le linee guida anche in versione video e tutta una serie di dati importanti.
E' possibile anche calcolare le calorie che assumiamo ogni giorno, valutare il nostro fabbisogno e ricevere consigli personalizzati sul consumo calorico e sullo stile di vita.
La grafica è accattivante e è semplice da usare.
Vi consiglio di farci almeno una visita!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Milena Velba Miosotis (2009)

I apologize to all

...ma ho davvero trascurato il blog.
Ho 2 scuse ragionevoli e 2 irragionevoli.
Le scuse "buone" sono che il mio lavoro cresce e diventa sempre più esigente e che, per essere sempre più all'altezza delle necessità di chi si rivolge a me, sto frequentando un corso di fitoterapia all'università di Viterbo. I finished the first year and I must admit it was a great experience. Although the cut of the course was very medical and scientific, I think I can use some of the information gathered in the kitchen and pour in the recipes.
The excuse is unreasonable that I realized that since I joined facebook I have less time for other things, but everybody knows that it is a disease! Only that between Facebook and blogs, whenever I think of a recipe or a theme, I immediately someone who has just published on the net .... and it seems a waste of time.
I thought so, now that I have some 'time, to inspire more and more old cookbooks I found at home ... with the inevitable adjustment for our times. And to include details on spices and "good herb".

But this time I not only worked! Taking advantage of the presence of some friends I made even a tourist in Rome. Saturday was the Capitoline Museums, Venus in front of this and wondered: "How many girls in these terms would be on a diet to eliminate those that rolls on the hips and belly is not flat enough?"
What do you say? It 'time to go on vacation?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Standard Sham Vs. Euro Sham

Consumers Association Organic Farming

La finestra sul cielo
è nata a Torino circa trent'anni fa come associazione dedicata alla diffusione dei temi della vita e della salute naturale, trasformandosi poi negli anni in una importante realtà dedicata alla distribuzione di alimenti naturali di assoluta qualità.
Sul sito si trovano tutti i prodotti in commercio, dagli alimenti senza glutine alla macrobiotica, e i punti vendita (molti in realtà) in cui è possibile reperirli. Interessanti le sezioni La Parola dell'Esperto e Sana Alimentazione . In quest'ultima viene suggerito come avvicinarsi gradualmente ad un'alimentazione naturale. Da provare le Ricette .
Consigliato perchè: buoni prodotti per chi, con intolleranze alimentari o meno, decide di provare l'agricoltura biologica.