Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Do You Tie A D Ring

Chicken Pox How Long Does Virus Survive

Baptism cake for electrician new father

Leesburg Brazilian Wax

bike cake Valentino Rossi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Planet Pinball On Fun Brain


questo dolcetto tipico natalizio piace molto a mio marito e come non accontentarlo!!! ^_^ la ricetta l'ho trovata in rete e come sapore sono identici a quelli che si comprano

150g di farina
25 g di arancia candita
7g ca di anice
un cucchiaino di cannella
mezzo cucchiaino di spezie miste
50 g di noci
150g di zucchero
mezzo bicchiere d’acqua

in una ciotola unire la farina l'arancia candita l'anice la cannella le spezie e le noci tritate grossolanamente
in un pentolino mettere a sciogliere lo zucchero con l'acqua quando inizia a bollire unire gli ingredienti che abbiamo preparato mescolare bene e togliere dal fuoco
con le mani umide formare delle palline e schiacciarle. cuocere in forno a 160° per 30 minuti circa

Brent Corrigan Free Blackberry

Stew pork with mushrooms and chestnuts

questa ricetta non me lo ricordo da dove l'ho presa.....comunque è stata una scoperta!
è la prima volta che abbino le castagne ad un piatto diciamo salato.risultato? eccellente ;-)


spezzatino di maiale
carota sedano cipolla
funghi (anche surgelati)
catagne lesse sgusciate (io avevo delle caldarroste avanzate)
olio sale
vino bianco

fare il soffritto con carota sedano e cipolla tagliati a pezzettini
aggiungere la carne e rosolarla
aggiungere i funghi (se usate quelli surgelati cuoceteli prima da parte) e le castagne
sfumare con il vino bianco e portare a cottura

Meryl Streep Dungarees

Pens exotic

Non potevo non provare questo abbinamento!!!!


polpa di granchio

schiacciare bene l'avocado maturo aggiungere il philadelphia e il sale
chop the crab meat
when the pasta is cooked, season it with the cream of avocado and crab meat into small pieces.

Cani Auctions In Ontario

Simply Christmas ... Bass in salt pan

What To Wear To A Gym Pool

view Cooked & Eaten recipe the other day ...
easy preparation and quick!

Ingredients: fillets of sea bass

salt in a pan put a layer of coarse salt
quite often arrange the fillets of sea bass with the skin side down in contact with salt
put on the fire and cook for about 7 minutes !

Long Wart Like Growth On Buttock

Candido white ...

Metal Core Scooter Wheels Black And Black Wheels

Mini cake white-green

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Model Number 460668 With

artichokes dry bread with tomato

4 medium artichokes jar-i tomato chunks - 1 white onion, salt - pepper - oregano - Extra virgin olive oil. - 50 oz spicy cheese - 1 / 2 cup of skim milk.
Find the heart from the artichokes and cut into very thin slices, chop the onion very thin. Place in a bowl with tomato, salt, pepper, oregano, milk and 2 tablespoons of oil.

amalgamate x 1 hour, pour into a teglietta add a little water and bake for 20/25 minutes 180 °.
When cooked (it should be quite dry), sprinkle with cheese, spicy diced small for 5 minutes to refuel and make the crust.
ps half-cooked is better to cover the pan aluminum
Thanks to Rosa that I sent her in order to share .......

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nadine Janssen Smoking

comes a time when, looking in the kitchen, I find that I have advanced dry bread anywhere, if I have time and use it to scratch the breading to prepare the trays, to thicken soups (look for the other recipes in the blog). But this way I use very little ...
I do to friends who use it to dogs or chickens.
But when I hear news such as those disclosed by the FAO, I feel guilty. I know it's just a hypocritical (at least on my part, my wastes are quite different), but if I can prepare something good instead of throwing old bread .... why not?

Cream of Lentil
Ingredients for 4 people: 300 g lentils, 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 1 potato, bread, Salt, Olive oil EV
Preparation: Cook the lentils in boiling salted water with celery, carrot and potato cut into chunks.
After about 20 minutes to simmer, put everything into the mixer, put on the fire for about 10 minutes, adding if necessary, hot water.
Toast the slices of bread, rub with garlic and place them on the bottom of individual plates, sprinkle with cream of lentils.
Add a tablespoon of olive oil and serve.
cabbage parcels
Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 cabbage, 100 g ground beef, 50 g of chopped ham or sausage, 100 g of crumbs bread, 100 mL of milk, 1 egg, 1 pinch of mixed spice, salt and pepper
Preparation: Eliminate the coast from the leaves of the cabbage.
Plunge the leaves into boiling salted water for 5 minutes, take them out with a slotted spoon, dip them in cold water and drain.
Soak the bread in hot milk, then crumble.
Mix the meat, ham, bread crumbs, egg, spices, salt and pepper.
Overlay 3 cabbage leaves on a board, forming a star.
Fill the leaves with the stuffing and fold.
Close the bundles with string, put them in a pan with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, turning halfway through cooking the dumplings. If too dry you can add 1 tablespoon water you used to burn the leaves.
Turn off the heat, place the dumplings in a serving dish and serve.
(If you prefer you can cook by steaming, on the pan you used to blanch the leaves)
Pear pie with cinnamon
Ingredients: 300 g peeled pears into slices, 100 g milk, 90 g sugar, bread (40 g), olive oil, 2 eggs, oranges, sugar, cinnamon
Preparation: Cook the pears for 12 'or more in one liter of water with 40 g of sugar, juice and zest of the orange. Drain.
Toast the bread in a pan dusted with powdered sugar.
Mix eggs with milk 50 g sugar. 4 oiled molds or lining the inside with baking paper and fill them with stale bread cut into slices, pour the egg mixture, alternating with thin slices of pear, cold. Bake in water bath at 180 ° C for 20 '. Cool the mold and dust with cinnamon.
(If there are only 4, instead of turning on the oven, I tried to cook in water bath in a shallow saucepan. The result is not a chef, but it works!)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wwe Create Your Own Champion Belt Online

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yugioh Gx Duel Academy 50 000 Duel Point Cheats

What's So Great About Organic Food?

What's So Great About Organic Food?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cramps And Cervical Mucus 5dpo

Linguine con branzino, zucchine e pomodoro al profumo di maggiorana

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 2 bass
  • 8 ripe tomatoes (or 2 cups chopped tomatoes Paglione)
  • 7
  • zucchini 3 to 3 shallots
  • white wine
  • marjoram salt
  • pepper extra virgin olive oil

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the peel and cut the threads.
(Or use the pulp into small pieces Paglione).
Cut the zucchini into rounds.
Sauté shallots and garlic in olive oil with thyme and pepper, add the sea bass with salt and pepper and then deglaze with white wine. After 10 minutes
togliere il branzino e sfilettare.
Mettere le zucchine a rosolare e dopo pochi minuti aggiungere i filetti di pomodoro, insaporirli con sale e pepe, aggiungere poco dopo i filetti di pesce.
Coprire la padella per 3-4 minuti.
Aggiungere la pasta cotta al dente, far saltare e finire con della maggiorana tritata.

Tempo di preparazione: 40 minuti circa

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drain Pasta Without Strainer

pizza dough

seen the sad result of my latest experiment, I thought I'd share this
pizza dough
I think it will be useful to someone!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Calories Costco Sheet Cake

L'enoteca Wine Food Alla Gusteria

Da questo mese inizieremo a darvi delle ricette con cui l'Enoteca-Ristorante Alla Gusteria una decina di anni fa, in quel di Tavola,frazione di Prato, deliziava i suoi numerosi avventori provenienti da tutta la regione Toscana. Le ricette saranno naturalmente stagionali per far sì that each of you can find the ingredients required in any shop. Let's start with the offer of a simple and tasty dishes of the restaurant.

Pennette with Rabbit and Piopparelli

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 4 legs of rabbit
  • 600 g.
  • tomato 400 g. wild mushrooms 2 shallots
  • 1 carrot 1 celery
  • basil, thyme, parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil, white wine, salt and pepper

Bone the thighs of the rabbit and chop the meat, then chopped tomatoes (diced). Fry the shallots with a sprig of thyme, a little parsley and cook the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper.
On another frying pan to cook the chopped vegetables together with the shallots and add the minced meat after a little rabbit, do paint over high heat and deglaze with white wine. Add tomatoes and cook about 20 minutes with salt and pepper.
When the two sauces are ready to put them all together and then skip the pasta.
Add to taste chopped fresh basil

Preparation time: 1 hour

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brown Bleeding A Day Before Period

Lenticchie di Ustica e gamberi con brunoise di verdure.

We want to offer you use say "alternative" of lentils, in this case those of Ustica, too often relegated only to the Christmas holidays and presented as usual in conjunction with the sausage. This is a simple dish, perfect to bring off-season.

Ingredients for 4:

• 100 gr. of Ustica lentils
• 100 gr. mixed vegetables (leeks, celery and carrot)
• 12 • onion prawns

cloves sage

• • •
white wine olive oil, salt and pepper

started right now by saying that Ustica lentils do not require preammollo, given their very thin skin and tender. The preparation time is therefore considerably reduced.
Wash lentils, place them in a pot and cover flush with cold water, add a glass of wine, a sprig of sage and onion battened with two cloves. Boil lentils for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, shell the prawns, dividing it in half lengthwise, but leave attached to one end so that curl cooking them over high heat with a little hot oil. Cut le verdure in dodolata fine (brunoise) e lessatele al dente. Servite le lenticchie al centro del piatto, contornate dalle verdure lesse ed i gamberi.

Tempo di preparazione : circa 1 ora.
