Sunday, May 31, 2009

How To Clean Dupioni Silk At Home

Morgan - Live in Ivrea - May 28, 2009

21 Here we are ready to hear the concert at Morgan H Officine of Ivrea. When it was time the loudspeaker announces twenty minutes late on the start of the show and some items coming from behind the scenes tell us that "Sir Morgan" is, so to speak, uploading! Obviously, everything is communicated with mischievous smile ...
The attacker finally arrives on the scene with its full, tie and black tailcoat frou frou (a little 'to the Giuseppe Verdi).
Most pieces are accompanied by only piano or piano and the base. The songs are then enriched with sampled sounds to your computer. Not bad. Everything is seasoned by his inseparable cigarette. It almost seems that we are on stage the special effects and do not understand how I can not even smoke, sing and play along ... a monster!
The agreement creates an intimate atmosphere, as if playing at home with his friends. It seems that not even follow a lineup. It has all the scores around the piano every now and then fall to the ground and he picks at random pairs, one Italian and one English and then mix them. The result is very nice. By mid-concert break and proper change of clothes.
In the second part also enters another musician and come together at the piano. One sitting at the keyboard and the other foot where there are strings in the queue. This continues to experiment with new sounds, with the sampler is that the piano, putting the paper and sellotape on the ropes, obtaining of particular sounds, almost deaf. The yield is amazing. At the end
greets everyone and seems inclined to keep doing chat with the audience, but unfortunately you sling under the stage hundreds of people who want autographs on CDs, books, posters, ... and he, after a couple of signatures, go away.
The concert was very good, musically Morgan is really good. We were a bit 'disappointed the character, we expected to see a person more whimsical, more histrionic and theatrical, which interacted more with the public. Maybe we look too much television, maybe that is the Morgan on TV, not the singer.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Small Bump On My Cervix


To all those who want information, I suggest this article.
I think that is comprehensive and easily readable.
Good race!

Is Costco Selling The Make Up Brushes

Distributors of Water and Ecological City / servizi_idrici_integrati
Get off the street and get your fill of drinking water (free) to the distributor? Now you can! Smat (Società Metropolitana Acque Torino) proposes experimental installation of water dispensers in the Turin area. Points Smat Water kiosks are hexagonal with three fueling options: mineral water at room temperature, chilled mineral water and sparkling water chilled. Plain water is distributed for free, that sparkling water costs 5 cents per 1.5 liters. Smat The aqueduct, which distributes water to more than 2 million residents, is subject to regular checks with more than 400 thousand laboratory analysis. The agreement has a term of six years and under the project would bring significant savings in terms of plastic production, transport and distribution. Not to mention that turnovers and that prices have reached the bottled water in Italy.
Recommended because: at a time when it comes to privatization of water is an interesting project if you think of the potential energy and financial savings.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tim Hortons Job In Brampton

Sheep Nera è un progetto di ecovillaggio nato in Friuli che si propone di creare una struttura sociale basata sulla collaborazione dei partecipanti e sulla condivisione dei frutti del lavoro comune. Nel rispetto dell'ambiente, il progetto coinvolge ora diverse colture (mais, patate, legumi, ortaggi freschi, ...) ed altre attività (dall'allevamento all'energia solare) e si prefigge di raggiungere l'autosufficienza alimentare.
Consigliato perchè: progetto nobile ed ambizioso alla riscoperta di un contatto diretto e sano con la terra.
Abbiamo trovato questo indirizzo in un post di risposta ad un articolo scritto su Come Don Chisciotte (vedi Alternative Information ) and intrigued us.
Ecolcity is a social network that aims to create new eco-friendly city (like the existing eco-villages around the world), starting from zero and choosing the people, architecture and technologies for use in these new realities. The initial project is to create small ecosystems complete which means, among other things, fertile soil, the presence of polluted water (including underground), presence of trees, proximity to big cities and therefore good connection with them.
Recommended because: ntwork a social theme and a bit 'more "committed" on a topical issue and of great interest.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Feel My Bladder Has Dropped

Polpettine di patate alle acciughe su carpaccio di pomodori

Ingredienti per 4 persone

- 250 gr. di patate
- 100 gr. di Bra grattugiato
- 20 gr. di farina
- 1 ciuffo parsley
- 20 gr. of anchovies
1 tomato - 1 bunch of curly endive salad
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin
- 60 gr.
breadcrumbs - 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
oil for frying - salt and pepper Preparation

Wash the potatoes and cook for 40 'from the moment of boiling, until the meat will be tender. Drain them, peel them and mash masher by dropping the pulp into a large bowl and let cool.
When they are nearly cold stir in the grated Bra, washed and chopped parsley, flour, salt and pepe e mescolate bene fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo e abbastanza sodo.
Tagliate le alici a pezzetti e versate il pangrattato in un piatto fondo. Lavate il pomodoro e tagliatelo a fette molto sottili e distribuitele in quattro piatti individuali.
Con il composto delle patate formate delle palline della dimensione di una noce ponendovi al centro un pezzetto di alice. Fate rotolare le polpette nel pangrattato e friggetele in una padella, poche alla volta, con un dito di olio di semi. Quando saranno dorate, sgocciolatele con un mestolo forato su carta assorbente, per eliminare l’olio in eccesso, e proseguite a friggere fino al termine delle polpette. Condite le fette di pomodoro con olio extravergine, aceto balsamico, sale e pepe.
Distribuite Finally, the meatballs on four plates, decorated with a few leaves of curly endive salad and serve immediately. Ready is a delicious appetizer.

40 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes


Monday, May 18, 2009

French Movie Tom And Lola

The Land of Fruits and balachicanta

"Grandpa, Grandpa, tell me a story? But not the usual story of the king sitting on the sofa that I know by heart ...".
"Let's see, let's see, okay! But I promise that after you go to do homework without let you say? ".
" Yes, Grandpa, I promise. "
stories his grandfather tells Dino, often start well, with a promise.
It also from trivial and then build around and talk about everything, like a gigantic and interminable jigsaw puzzle: these are the stories that Dino like best. Like this.
"So, you know what a balachicanta "asked Grandpa.
"Yes, I've already heard from his mother and grandmother, but I do not know what it is: you tell me?".
"Look, it's a country that is so called, and all who live there are so called."
"So what? What's wrong?" Dino continued.
"Oh well, is that all those who are a bit 'strange ...".
"But what do they do?".
"If you go there I see some good! Think that when you meet, talk and talk and talk and talk the next day still saying the exact opposite of the previous day."
"But how do they do?".
"Boh, but that's nothing, you know I get angry and fight among themselves for many things and then when there is to say if those who deserve it, they are quiet and pretend nothing? ".
"But I want to fool?".
"Look, I said I was strange or not? Are like that. ".
"Look Grandpa, I did not understand, tell me more of balachicanta something that I like?".
"Sure, I once saw a lady who was going to buy things in a shop and then the next day if the change was, it was always like this every day, because he said it was wrong to always buy the right thing."
"But it was a dumb - Dino said, laughing - how could he ever make mistakes? When I'm going to buy something I do not like mica mistake. "
"But you poor thing always wrong and you'll never guess what she really liked."
"You know there is someone who never knows which way to go and every time he starts to go then go back and start to go away and then somewhere else again, and so should not be anywhere? ".
" But then everything gets wet! - Dino said, looking out the window it was raining - we bring an umbrella. "
" There's no need, Dino, when we will move to cover ... ".
"Poor man himself."
"And then there's a lady that when she goes to the grocery store never looks at the price of what they chose, and when he has to pay a shame not to buy if it costs too much and buys the same even though it is a blunder!" .
"But at least like what you bought and use it?".
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no."
"But this is just dumb, but they are all idiots in this country."
"See you: there is also something that makes everyone ...".
"All of the things they promise and then fail to keep almost never ...".
"I sì che mantengo le promesse, vero? Non so proprio come si può fare a comportarsi così...Ma...questo paese dove si trova? Me lo fai vedere sulla cartina? Ci andiamo qualche volta, nonno?”.
“Non è mica lontano, sai? E’ più vicino di quanto tu pensi!”.
“Davvero?” fece meravigliato Dino.
“Certo, potremmo andarci subito dopo che hai fatto i compiti, cosa ne dici?”.
“Uhmmm...un’altra volta, magari, perché adesso non ho voglia di farli e voglio solo guardare i cartoni, ciao ciao!”.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Adding Minutes To My Roshan Phone

Sausage? And little in the right way ....

Pork, now that the pigs are on a diet most of us can go into any kitchen. Obviously with all the necessary safeguards and proportions.
Ingredients: lean ground pork 500 g (or 1 / 2 pork and 1 / 2 beef), sausage, 1-2, 2-3 carrots, 1 celery stalk, 2 onions, 1 / 2 bell pepper, chopped tomatoes or canned tomatoes 1 large white wine / 1 cup red, bay leaves, sage, clove, 1 clove of garlic, salt, pepper, oil
Preparation: chop the vegetables (not too fine), her wilt in the oil and simmer in water-a veil of white wine. When they become soft add the sausage with the meat, let cook and add the wine.
To make a light version, remove the fat that has melted into the wine after a few minutes picking up meat and vegetables and putting them in a clean pot.
Add the chopped tomatoes, 2 cups water, salt, bay leaves, cloves, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, for 1 hour - 1 hour and 1 / 2, then find out, let it dry enough and off (or in a pressure cooker: do not add water and cook 1 / 2 hour from the whistle).
The sauce can not be done in small quantities, better make it extra, freeze it and use it several times. It will never be light, but increasing with the tomato can reduce fat per serving and, with a portion of pasta, may also be suitable for those who must be careful!

200 G pork tenderloin, 200 g chicken thighs, 2 sausages, 1-2 peppers, 1-2 zucchini, 1 aubergine long, at least 6 cherry tomatoes, onion, sage, rosemary, olive ' oil, 1 glass of white wine , a finger of Bowl Brandy or wine is very dry and very alcoholic
Prepare the meat and the sausage into small pieces (as large as walnuts) and macerated in white wine, bay leaves, sage and rosemary at least for now.
Prepare the vegetables into small pieces (eggplant and zucchini, to "Todi") sprinkle with wine and oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of the skewers alternating olio.Preparare: a piece of pork tenderloin, zucchini, sausage, bell pepper, turkey, eggplant, and so 'on. At the end of the skewer, add a slice of onion and a cherry tomato.
Place the skewers on the plate or in the oven. Do brown on all sides until the meat turns well. Cover and cook covered for 10-20 minutes.
Increase heat and pour a glass of brandy and leave a couple of minutes.
If you want to limit fat, do not pick up the sauce that forms!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How To Clean Grinder Cloves

Season vegetables

Molto spesso capita di chiedersi quale sia la frutta e la verdura di stagione, per poter fare una spesa più oculata. Qui di seguito riportiamo due tabelle con indicati i principali tipi di frutta e verdura di stagione.

Consumare frutta e verdura di stagione è importante per almeno tre motivi:
1 - i prodotti sono al massimo del loro potere nutritivo e del loro sapore se mangiati nella loro stagione di maturazione;
2 - questi prodotti ovviamente costano meno perchè sono maggiormente reperibili;
3 - non provengono dall'estero perchè sono reperibili localmente, per cui non devono fare troppa strada per arrivare sulle nostre tavole, con risparmio di soldi (trasporto), freschezza e rispetto delle regole in materia di utilizzo di prodotti fitosanitari.
Per saperne di più: . In questo sito, per tanti alimenti, oltre a sapere la stagionalità si trovano schede con le principali caratteristiche del prodotto (calorie, proprietà, controindicazioni, ...).

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is It Normal To Have No Cm Before Period

job and its eco-friendly houses and bioclimatic
BlogLavoro è un sito di concorsi, annunci, notizie e guide per il mondo del lavoro. E' ricco di informazioni pratiche, suggerimenti e commenti.
Suddiviso bene per argomenti, permette di ricercare facilmente le aree tematiche di interesse. Inside the post are several comments and requests for information, which often are given a simple and understandable. In addition, the post usually provide more links to other sites and blogs for further information.
deals with topics such as competitions, with explanations on dies and red tape, the various types of contracts, temporary work, mobility and much more.
Recommended because : full of practical information and advice concerning the world of work, easy to use.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Which Color Compared To Koleston From Wella
Domespace proposed models of eco-friendly homes. They are really amazing, they look like spaceships! They are all made with renewable materials and integrate the building with solar panels and rainwater recovery systems enabling significant energy savings.
And then, even more amazing, the house rotates, allowing the solar panels be placed always the best at the sun! In this way it becomes a bioclimatic house, energy-independent. The Italian distribution is entrusted to .
Recommended because: do not know if this is still fantasy homes and whether they are really practical, solid and quick to build as they say. But look, they are really original!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Investment Options In Pune India

Baby Sling: the alternative to the stroller
We assume that anyone here hates them strollers. Perhaps because the cities themselves are anti-stroller between steps, narrow passages, stretches of roads without sidewalks or with sidewalks crumbling ... If we put the little civic sense of the people who park on sidewalks and crosswalks, must take a Continuous zigzag slalom slipping between a car and the other, and then again up and down the sidewalk. Conclusion: A true Stress!
And if you constantly use the car for short trips in town and out, up and down, come and go? One can not pull down the stroller every time to go shopping, accompany someone to buy the newspaper!
Then we find out a little 'discourse of the bands to tie him, but these were very complicated to put in practice ... must bandage with baby!
Those who use them and sell them say that it is just a little 'practice ... will be, but you can not even spend a quarter of an hour to wrap mummies as the first out of the car to buy bread!
Eventually we found the solution for us. It 'an elastic band that should not be wrapped but slipped. There are 4 comfortable positions with which to carry the baby. The first two are for children from 0 to three months, the other two for larger ones. It 's really very easy, all positions are used safely and avoid major back pain!
In the site there are demos and photos that explain how to place children.
Recommended because : Very comfortable, easy to use, quick to make. It is also used with older children.

Where To Buy Cute Batmitzvah Dresses

Cucina Molecolare? Si, per "arredare" la tavola...

Belli are beautiful dishes molecular cuisine, there is only say ... but we will gladly do without ...


(Photo by Innovldea )

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Itunes Gives Me System Not Modified

Patty Pravo - Live in Torino - May 4, 2009

After six years back to see Patty Pravo live. From the Old Port of Genoa in the summer of 2003 at the Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli di Torino. Long wait but well rewarded. E 'Sanremo last that took us completely. Again. Patty Pravo Sanremo represents for us a sort of Phoenix, each time it is the awakening of an old passion that usually lies there but is always ready to upsurge.
You could then lose the leg in Turin Promo Tour Live Arena di Verona. In a setting far less suggestive of Genoa, but acoustics are the envy of many Italian opera houses.
And she go on stage, she is really wild on stage. It 's a cat with seven lives, a lioness, a diva of elegance and transgression. His first call to the public on salts. The answer of the Lie nen Turin is ambiguous. From the first file the hardcore fans (and there are many) hail her singing voice. Further back, the madame a little 'straw will hold a more sober and content clap clap. But the atmosphere dissolves slowly, the Divine does not ever pull back during the whole concert and the ending is a crescendo of emotions. The
Strambelli announces the cover of Grizzly Bear, the Italian group of progressive-rock singer-songwriter. His interpretation of And I miss you so much is full, warm and painful. A start, moving. Greets the audience with the last song presented in Sanremo, And I will come one day there . A wave of emotion, it's really very addictive.
Rientra con la band (ottimi musicisti, tra l'altro) dietro le quinte e il pubblico inizia prima timidamente poi sempre più impetuosamente a gridare "Fuori! Fuori!"...anche a Torino succede questo! Molti lasciano le poltrone e si accalcano sotto il palco, il coro è ormai all'unisono e la Divina esce di nuovo. Tripudio. Un intreccio di mani alzate sotto il palco la esaltano e lei si scatena con il rock di Let's Go . Vediamo qualcuno tra il pubblico a bocca aperta. La Diva è anche questo, rock e sregolatezza. E molto altro. Saluta definitivamente il pubblico con una versione di Tutt'al più solo voce e pianoforte. Brividi. Il contatto diretto con il pubblico così vicino e presente le fa davvero brillare eyes. To us.
leaving us dare to wait outside the Auditorium. Do not hesitate to indulge the fans stayed and greets us warmly.
An unforgettable evening. Thank you, Nic.