Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brown Bleeding A Day Before Period

Lenticchie di Ustica e gamberi con brunoise di verdure.

We want to offer you use say "alternative" of lentils, in this case those of Ustica, too often relegated only to the Christmas holidays and presented as usual in conjunction with the sausage. This is a simple dish, perfect to bring off-season.

Ingredients for 4:

• 100 gr. of Ustica lentils
• 100 gr. mixed vegetables (leeks, celery and carrot)
• 12 • onion prawns

cloves sage

• • •
white wine olive oil, salt and pepper

started right now by saying that Ustica lentils do not require preammollo, given their very thin skin and tender. The preparation time is therefore considerably reduced.
Wash lentils, place them in a pot and cover flush with cold water, add a glass of wine, a sprig of sage and onion battened with two cloves. Boil lentils for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, shell the prawns, dividing it in half lengthwise, but leave attached to one end so that curl cooking them over high heat with a little hot oil. Cut le verdure in dodolata fine (brunoise) e lessatele al dente. Servite le lenticchie al centro del piatto, contornate dalle verdure lesse ed i gamberi.

Tempo di preparazione : circa 1 ora.
