Monday, March 2, 2009

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Gelato, i 10 migliori

definitely looking out the window may seem early to talk about ice cream ... but the next few days the temperatures begin to rise accompanied by the first rays of the sun herald ' arrival of spring. Here then begin the desire to be a good ice cream, even though right now the ice cream are no longer empty. We play in advance, listing the top 10 ice cream stores scattered throughout Italy, selected from those connoisseurs of the "Gambero Rosso".

Ten master ice toghether but very different from a rigorous selection of raw materials and the knowledge that an ice cream "real" has few secrets.

1) Agrigelateria - Cascina San Pietro, Poirino (TO) - (Here you start from milk, it is in fact the first family-run farm that produces high quality milk. An ice cream all natural, no artificial colors or preservatives . Do not miss the mozzarella with fresh milk and fresh cream and ice cream fruit from the orchard property)
2) From Bepi - via Madonna della Salute 85, Mortise Loc, Padova - (Gelato fresh every morning, without freezers and blast chillers. Fresh milk, sugar and fruit first class in the mythical Cattabriga whipped the ice cream machine par excellence.)
3) Gelato - v.le 's Air Force 105, Rome - (A real ice cream, with a few secrets. Cento tastes between sweet and savory . Do not miss the series of eggnog, celery and bell pepper in the salt, pistachio and coffee and sambuca)
4) Gelato Lemon - P.tta Fontana 63, Capri (NA) - (Predominant lemon coming from a garden at the foot of the access road to Anacapri. But all the ingredients used are certified natural products. Excellent addition to lemon, pumpkin and cinnamon)
5) Gelateria dei Gracchi - Via dei Gracchi 272 - Rome - (Check each batch of fruit, seasonal ingredients. classics such as peach, pistachio, almond and chocolate and Cuban-Rum-and ice-cream figs)
6) Grom - Piazza Paleocapa 1 / d, Torino - (Grom gelato shops are now so many but nothing has changed in the production philosophy: extreme research della materia prima, niente additivi, coloranti e conservanti. Impedibile la crema con uova biologiche, pasta di meliga di Primo Pan e granella di cioccolato Gobino )
7) Il Massimo del Gelato – via L. Castelvetro 18, Milano ( Bella consistenza e grande equilibrio dei sapori: sono queste le armi vincenti di Massimo Travani. Oltre ottanta gusti tra i quali spiccano fiordilatte e crema. Otto ripologie di cioccolato )
8) Gelateria di Piazza – p.zza Cisterna 4, San Gimignano – ( Si fa la fila volentieri alla gelateria di Sergio Dondoli in una delle piĆ¹ belle piazze d’Italia. Ottima la crema Santa Fina –crema all’uovo con arancia, -saffron and pine nuts, the champelmo-Champagne and grapefruit sorbet-and Vernaccia di San Gimignano)
9) Al Settimo Gelo - Via Vodice 21 / a, Rome - (Here the master ice cream maker is a woman, Mirella smoke, among the first to focus on high quality ice cream. It is now a classic pistachio, cream Barolo, chocolate and chilli ice cream and Iranian pistachios, rose water, almonds and saffron)
10) Coffee Sicily - Vittorio Emanuele 125, Noto (SR) - (Corrado No wonder the customer with creative solutions in which the line between sweet and salty almost vanishes to give life to taste very original. Here is a unique ice cream as the "orange salad" with olive oil, onion, red orange and a hint of wild fennel. But there are also classics such as crates, foam and truffles)

(Source Gambero Rosso)
(selection in alphabetical order)



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