Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Tongue Hurts When I Move It

who eats cauliflower bell longer?

cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are considered among the foods that protect against the risk of cancer. Is it true? Anyway, I'm good: why not take advantage?

Pasta with cauliflower
320 g pasta, 1 small cauliflower, 2 anchovies in salt or oil, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Saffron, red pepper, salt
Divide the cauliflower into florets and cook in salted water until al dente and remove in the same water to cook pasta.
In a ladle of warm water to soak the saffron cauliflower.
Add anchovies pounded with oil (and the chili, if you like) pasta.
salad cauliflower and onions
Preparation time: 15 '- Cooking time: 50'

Serves 4 4 onions, 1 cauliflower, 1 chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon of sweet mustard, 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil d’oliva, sale q.b.
Sbucciare le cipolle e tagliatele spicchi e separare le cimette di cavolfiore.
Cuocere il cavolfiore e le cipolle a vapore per circa 15 minuti, in modo che restino leggermente croccanti. Mettetele in un’insalatiera e condite con olio, senape, aceto e sale, aggiungete il prezzemolo, mescolate e servite l’insalata ancora tiepida. Potete aggiungere capperi o altri sott'aceto.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Do I Make A Tracker Knife

A healthy lifestyle helps prevent cancer?

Avevo promesso agli amici di facebook una spiegazione del link all'articolo pubblicato qualche giorno fa sulla rivista dell'associazione americana di oncologia clinica.
Gli scienziati americani hanno tenuto sotto osservazione donne anche per quasi 20 anni dopo che avevano avuto un tumore al seno ed erano quindi a rischio per avere un secondo tumore, all'altro seno. Hanno dimostrato, in misura maggiore di quanto che si aspettavano, che se le queste donne sono obese, fumano o hanno un consumo di alcolici (più di 7 bicchieri la settimana di vino) è molto più probabile che abbiano un secondo tumore. In particolare le donne che fumano e bevono alcool hanno una probabilità sette volte maggiore, mentre le donne che sono obese (BMI o IMC ≥30) già prima della prima diagnosi hanno il 50% di probabilità in più di avere un secondo tumore.
Sono dati importanti perché la differenza statistica si è vista anche in un gruppo relativamente piccolo and women who had undergone treatment of various kinds: it is not difficult to conclude that a healthy lifestyle is as important as cure.
Unfortunately, we always talk about "risks" and "probability" and should be interpreted as all similar data. For example: not everyone who ran a red light have an accident, although it may cost you your life easier than going through the green. Similarly, a healthy lifestyle does not guarantee health, but it certainly increases the risk diminishes the possibility of a healthy life.
Since the lifestyle of American women is often, thankfully, very different from ours, in Italy there is an ongoing similar project (Project Diana ) to improve the lifestyle of women who have had breast cancer.
You can find all the information at Cancer Institute of Milan:

In conclusion, the recommendations that emerge from this research are the usual: check the weight

* * Avoid excessive alcohol * avoid
If someone sees fit instead to change even more radically his style food, the site of the Diana project there are also the advice of Dr. . F. Berrino with some alternative recipes.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Itchy Leg After Waxing

The diet begins with spending ..... Summer cold dishes

In recent days I have received several times the same argument, so it seems right to talk about publicly: "It 's difficult to take care of their food, because you lose time to buy the right foods and you have to shop frequently for fresh foods and variety."
Besides who has time to read all labels to choose foods more nutritious and better? (And they often do not read enough, you need a manual to understand them ....).
It 's true: the first problem in a healthy diet and shopping. We need to find fresh fruits and vegetables and good price, a reliable fishmonger, a butcher to give you what you want and do not try the sausages made by hand, a butcher who do not get angry if you ask most of the ham thin and above all that you it gives more than you ask.
So we need a technique is not enough to grab the cart and fill it with everything that we think will serve or what is on offer.


  • Before going grocery shopping, prepare the list. will lose some minutes, but avoid going round in circles for the supermarket or to grab the first things that happen and above all you have time to think about the menu of the week. To save money and time, can control the ads we receive daily.
  • Do not go shopping hungry - an empty stomach often leads to impulse purchases and especially you risk buying something to "munch" coming home. Especially do not give this habit for children: for them is more difficult to resist the temptation!
  • In making the list, you have to remind you that you should fill your shopping cart fruit, vegetables, whole grains, before thinking of dairy products, lean meat, fish, poultry and legumes.
  • Think of how many servings you need meat, fish, dairy products and meats. If you go to the supermarket, you will find the weight on the packaging, and you will have to weigh the issue, until you are able to see eye to what is an ideal portion.
  • Most of us tend to eat the same food repeatedly. But the variety in addition to health benefits, helps to give flavor to your kitchen: try to change at least one food each week .

  • Start from departments of fresh foods (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish). Often put them in supermarkets at the bottom to promote the purchase of less healthy foods, fregateli changing the ride.
  • Avoid lanes offering alcoholic drinks, cakes and all you have to avoid.
  • choose, whenever you can, or whole grains or foods with fewer additives possible. Now you find them everywhere and at reasonable prices.
  • Avoid, when possible , canned goods, but if they are essential for your family organization, choose good quality or organic. I refer in particular to fish (tuna, sardines, salmon, mackerel ...) and legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas, green beans). Both can be cheaper and healthier to use frozen.
  • Avoid foods - soups, baked goods, snacks, dairy products, frozen foods, canned goods, sauces .... - That contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients or ingredients that you can not pronounce or do not understand.
  • Avoid foods due - even if they bargain - unless you're sure to consume them quickly. Otherwise you end up chasing deadlines!
  • Avoid foods with cartoons or gifts for children. If you bring them home to begin to influence children to choose foods for gift and not for their own or their taste.
These are the indispensable advice: there are thousands of others, but those are enough to make a change to our way of eating! Then, if still necessary, you can even start a proper diet.