Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Power Rangers Hard Yaoi

: underestimated ingredient

Durante le "vacanze" di Pasqua ho avuto il tempo di tritare un po' di pane vecchio. In realtà l'operazione in sé non richiede molto tempo, la vera difficoltà e liberare la cucina delle briciole che io riesco a mandare ovunque (mi sono persino dimenticata di chiudere il tappo del tritatutto, vi lascio immaginare....) .
Ne ho approfittato per fare due ricette semplicissime che ammettono un'infinità di variazioni, adatte ad alimenti dal gusto "delicato": mischiando tutti the types of bread that I buy : durum wheat, wholemeal, rye, unleavened, unsalted, the effect is a bit 'uneven, but tastier. usually store it in a glass jar: sometimes in the food processor add the scents I have available (rosemary, sage, bay leaves) so that it becomes much more fragrant.

trout with asparagus
a big trout, already clean (2 servings), breadcrumbs, olive oil, white wine, boiled asparagus (a handful), parsley, white wine, chives, onion , garlic, salt (the amount varying according to taste preferences for more or less prominent)
Procedure: I
ritritato bread with asparagus (I left the tips) with the parsley, chives, a piece of onion, a tablespoon of oil in such a way that maintained a rough appearance, and I added a couple of tablespoons of white wine.
I added the asparagus tips to stir to leave them whole.
I got used to stuff the mixture inside the trout. I
trout wrapped in parchment paper. prepare in advance, you can leave in the fridge to let it go.
Bake at 200-220 ° C for 50-60 minutes.

To make it more pleasing all types of white meat (turkey, chicken):
Sliced \u200b\u200bturkey breast
1 slice per person, 3 tablespoons bread crumbs, thyme, bay leaves, lemon zest, white wine, olive oil
breadcrumbs mixed with crushed bay leaves, thyme and lemon. I do not add salt unless it is unsalted bread.
wash and dry the slices of turkey, precaution that should not be forgotten even though avian flu has been replaced by that of the pigs, and step in the bread crumbs, pressing well.
I cook a hot frying pan with a little oil to finish cooking, add a drop of white wine and let evaporate.


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