Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby Orajel® While Pregnant

A healthy diet is expensive

This is a myth circulating among my colleagues: With times like these people are struggling to stay on a diet because you spend more at the supermarket.
Apart from the trivial observation that better spend on healthy food in medicine, this statement could be partially true.
certainly a bag of hot dogs cost less than a slice (and may be more acceptable to children) and even less of the fish, surely frozen vegetables if fresh takes time and costs for preparation, certainly wholemeal biscuits or other "quality" cost more than a cake, but let's be calm. * Meat
- In a balanced diet, is inserted 2-3 times a week and in portions that rarely exceed 150 g. And in most cases you prefer white meat, less expensive. *
Fish - This is the only real objection: the fish costs, the cheaper it is often difficult to clean or is full of thorns, so you do not like boys. Or you have to buy fish fillets that are on the other side of the world and we trust soon. In reality there is often farmed fish on offer, just take twice and freeze what is not consumed. But even with that deep-frozen fresh fish to alternate, often good but less reliable, and pay attention to the seasonality of the fish, which ensures lower prices and better quality.
The canned fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon ,....) can be a cheap, if you avoid eating too frequently. * Legumes
- Meat and fish can be replaced, at least 2-3 times a week with the vegetables: we want to compare the cost of pasta and chickpeas, lentils and rice, bean soup with that of a portion of meat? In fact, yesterday at the supermarket shelf of legumes was nearly empty ... * Eggs
- Often we forget, but two eggs a week are allowed almost everyone, you just learn to cook without overdo the seasonings.
* Fruits and Vegetables - Apart from a return to barter (some have a piece of garden, but why throw in excess of the goods for home consumption ...), the golden rule for saving is to follow the season. And pay attention to the difference: even if certain pre-packaged products cost more, can be convenient, especially if cooking can add other ingredients and then taste. Soups and salads are always the best way to promote fruit and vegetables do not like.
* Cakes, biscuits, cakes - I'm not a fan of the return to the donut: it is healthier biscuits, but also better and if they eat more! Managing to control himself, certainly costs less cookies. If we use a whole wheat flour, is also healthier. Same thing goes for the homemade pizza (among other things many people intolerant to yeast have found that is better tolerated than a pizza, because you can do better rise) or bread made with those machines. Among other things, not c'è nessuna "legge dietologica" che vieta di sostituire le fette biscottate con in pane: anzi è più saziante.
* E poi vogliamo parlare di condimenti (cominciate a contare i cucchiai di olio che usate e vedete quando vi dura la bottiglia, riservatela la pancetta o il guanciale ai pasti speciali....), formaggi (si usano facilmente a fine pasto, ma non sono certo economici...), affettati  e salumi (controllate le linee guida, e vedrete che potete calare le porzioni), bibite (inutili), succhi di frutta , alcolici (ne basta un bicchiere a pasto).
* E infine, controlling the portions are buying less and less waste in the fridge, increasing fruits and vegetables we can avoid supplements of vitamins and fiber, to avoid buying sweets, chocolate, crisps and chocolate spread we will be less tempted to eat (attention to certain products economic, but of questionable quality!).


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